Web Site Eval.



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Search Topic: Math
Search Terms: math lesson plans

Type of Search: topic
Search Engine: Yahoo


Search terms and operators used

# of hits

Quality of Hits The majority of hits in this search appear to be


Math AND lesson AND plans


They were average-all had the key words, but there were also a couple boring sites.


Math AND elementary AND lesson AND plans


It was one of the pages that we already had before.


The site had lots of age and subject options. It had lots of fun, hands on activities that you can use in the classroom. There is an email address to contact the author, but there are a few advertisements on the page. The links all move back and forth and each page has a list of main links on the side for navigation. It is teacher friendly.

Search Topic: Math
Search Terms: math lesson plans

Type of Search: topic
Search Engine: msn.com


Search terms and operators used

# of hits

Quality of Hits The majority of hits in this search appear to be


Math AND lesson AND plans


Only a few good sites. Some of the sites werent even working!


Math AND elementary AND lesson AND plans


Good lesson plans on sites for grades K-6


It was a search engine specifically for educational lesson plans. It has fun online activities for the class. The site was well organized and easy to maneuver from page to page. The author was easy to contact by email.

Search Topic: Math
Search Terms: math lesson plans

Type of Search: topic
Search Engine: aol


Search terms and operators used

# of hits

Quality of Hits The majority of hits in this search appear to be


Math AND lesson AND plans


Mediocre sites-some were good but most just had more links and few activities


Math AND elementary AND lesson AND plans


A lot are just links to more pages


Math AND k-6 AND lesson plans


Very good sites but a couple pages had expired


The site was a list of links but all the links had site descriptions and authors listed. The links were good quality and teacher friendly, so we can find things easily and quickly because we are all very busy!!

Final paragraph:

We liked Yahoo! because it was a lot faster than the other search engines we used. Most of the pages that we visited were high quality, if they worked. All of the search engines gave us some of the same sites. We narrowed down the sites each time by being more specific, but even though we were more specific, not all of them matched our search topic.

Scoring Rubric





Description of the searches conducted complete and demonstrates effective use of the search engines.




Description and evaluation of the site located by each search engine complete and demonstrates a careful evaluation of the site




Paragraph description of the three searches is a good comparison of the searches that were conducted on the different search engines and provides conclusion about most effective search. 




URLs included and accessible for all three sites




Total Points: (10 possible)






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