So You Want to Be A Wizard?




Lesson Topic/Title: So You Want to Be a Wizard? WebQuest

Author: Sabrina Requena and Vanessa Meyer

Introduction: This lesson is so that students will understand parts of a story and get used to writing stories. 

Content Area and Grade Level: 5th grade Reading and Writing

    NE Reading/Writing Standards:

8.1.2 By the end of the eighth grade, students will locate, access, and evaluate resources to identify appropriate information.
8.2.3 By the end of the eighth grade, students will demonstrate improvement in organization, content, word choice, voice, sentence fluency, and standard English conventions after revising and editing their compositions.

    Integrated Disciplines: Technology


Use software programs, such as word processing and multimedia presentation tools, to synthesize and present information.
Revise their writing to improve organization and word choice after checking the logic underlying the order of their ideas and the precision of their vocabulary.
Use knowledge of types of sentences, mechanics, usage, sentence structure, and standard English spelling to edit their writing.

Materials/Technologies:  So You Want to Be a Wizard? WebQuest


Springboard: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone By J.K. Rowling

What teacher is to do: Have students read the Harry Potter book.  After discussion, have them do the WebQuest.  

What students are to do: Read the book and then work with a partner for the WebQuest.  

Closure: Discuss the WebQuest with students.  Ask students if they found it to be too difficult for their grade level and if they found it to be a fun lesson.  

Assessment: (On WebQuest page)

Explanation: I can't wait to use this WebQuest when I start teaching!  I am excited to see how well my students like it.  Hopefully, they won't be tired of all of the Harry Potter hype by then.  I provided a lot of scaffolding in the lesson for the students that don't really know what to do.  I hyperlinked every thing that I thought they needed to complete the quest.  I think my students will enjoy this lesson just because of my excitement for it. 


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